Forever Reach How To videos


Questions & Answers

Does the recipient receive an email from my personal mailbox?

No, your recipient will instead receive an email from an email address that looks like:

If your customer or prospect replies to the email it will go back to the email address in your profile. That is why it is so important to set up your personal details and email correctly.

Why does Gmail sometimes show ‘via’?

This has to do with spam filters. In order to avoid messages being incorrectly flagged as spam, we route your messages to our own servers first. Your name will still appear next to the message and replies to the email it will go back to the email address in your profile.

Where do I set up my personal details?

Forever Reach uses the personal details from your account.

However, in case you want to change them, click on the “Edit your Profile” button, and select “Use the information below rather than my default profile”. Afterwards fill in the details you would like to be used for Forever Reach. Make sure to use a valid email because you will not receive replies from your prospects otherwise.

How do I know if my email message was successful?

The Reports section allows you to see who and when you have sent emails to and you can check whether the recipients have clicked on the links that are included in the templates.

The reports will also allow you to get a sense of which email templates were most useful in attracting new FBOs.

How do I know if my contact clicked on the link?

The Reports section allows you to see contacts that have interacted with the content in your emails and we will send you an email telling you when they have clicked on a link. This is really powerful as it allows you to get in touch with them straight away while they are still keen.

What are reminders and how do I use them?

The email templates allow you to set up reminders. If your customer or prospect has not clicked on the link in the email you have sent them it automatically sends a reminder email. After you select the desired template, click on the “Add Reminders” button and follow the on-screen instructions. You will then see a preview of all emails on the right-hand side panel. Reminders are sent several days apart.

Can the recipient of my emails send me a reply?

Yes as long as you have set up your profile details correctly.

What happens if I update my email address?

When you update your email address in, any new templates you send out will receive replies on your new address. However any previously emailed templates will continue to forward replies to the email address you used at the time.

Can I test Forever Reach before sending an email to somebody else?

Yes, in fact we encourage you to test the app by writing down your own email address in the “Who do you want to email?”

Check your inbox email and you will see the way emails get delivered from Forever Reach.

Please note you will need to be subscribed before testing Forever Reach.

How will I know if my website is visited from an email I have sent?

Forever Reach monitors the activity and will alert you as soon as someone clicks on the link to your website from an email you have sent. That way you may follow up and speak to your contact as soon as possible.

How many emails am I allowed to send?

Whilst there is no limit on how many emails you are allowed to send each month, you must have an on-going subscription to continue to use the tool. If you are sending hundreds or even thousands of emails each month, your Forever Reach access may be suspended if we receive a high percentage of complaints. As long as complaints and spam reports are low, your access will remain in place.

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